
I have met lot many youngsters in past 15 years, some has started their career under me and some students see me as a mentor to them for polishing their management skills but more or less I have find a similar kind of problems in them mainly related to handling transitions in their career and life at different time intervals. This inspires me to write a brief about the management skills in this section based on the knowledge of Srimad Bhagvad Gita.

Management in other words is being termed as “The art of executing any assign job in limited resources.” The overall persona or personality plays a vital role in one’s management capabilities, this includes the art of execution, work ethics and But we have to understand that these things needs to be developed. In this context Bhagvad Gita has elaborated some vital information on Integration of personality. According to Bhagvad Gita Inner Integration is marked by the rise of quality of Sattva (Spiritual Balance) in an individual over the qualities of Rajas (restlessness) and tamas (inertia). Sattva manifests itself as honesty of conduct, promptness, freedom from dependence and anxiety, discrimination between right and wrong, skill in action, fortitude and forbearance in the face of unfavorable circumstances , even mindedness, firm faith and contentment. Opposed to sattva are rajas and tamas. Rajas is characterized by greed, over activity, over ambition, enterprise, unrest, and longing; tamas by darkness, indolence, inadvertence, and delusion.

The three qualities or gunas are present in every individual in differing proportions and these differing proportions of gunas make for the difference between one personality and another.

The moment you got your basics right then comes the other level “Integration Of Personality” The Bhagvad Gita is an immortal work hundreds of commentaries and explanations have been written on each of its verses through the centuries, yet it is amenable to many more interpretations such is the genius of its author, Sri Krishna that the more we study the verses of the Gita, the more joy and knowledge we derive and clearer becomes our understanding of life. We shall take up a few verses of the Gita that expound the philosophy of work in three statges.

Four Principles of work:

Duties and Responsibilities versus Rights and Privileges

In this context to make this understand easily I can quote a very simple example to a teacher who has, say, 100 children under his care. His duty is to see that all the 100 students pass out of the examinations, is possible, with flying colours. He can take some liberty with these 100 children, admonish them and correct them whenever needed. But he cannot command the respect of his students if he does not carry his job in a responsible way. As long as he discharges his responsibilities towards his student in a proper manner, he enjoys their respect and certain privileges too.

From the above example and discussions, we learn the following principles, which lay the foundation of a good management practitioner (Manager):

  1. Responsibilities and privileges always go hand in hand.
  2. The greater the responsibilities one undertakes, the greater the privileges one enjoys.
  3. To demand rights and privileges without discharging one’s duties and responsibilities would be unethical and suicidal.
  4. When a person discharges his responsibilities sincerely, privileges come to him unsought. This is one of the great secrets of Karmyoga.

If you require complete session on Managerial Skills training for your company employees, family, children or friends please contact team Astroarq for one on one or group sessions. 
